Some random info. I was in Baton Rouge today and had a realization. Numerous Indian ladies were in my atmosphere while I was out there, and I realized that it was their long flowy tunics that are a basic part of their dress that also strongly influenced my love of the tunic that I enjoy making (for now, anyway) as mentioned below. Ya know how sometimes you you know something, but you can't quite determine what it is? It's like, "I know I didn't invent this style, but I can't remember where I saw it first that made me love it." Yep. It was among the Indian women I see here or while traveling.
So anyway. My male companion's b-day was recently. Naturally, I wanted to do or get something for him. Somethin' special, ya know? *Although, looking back over the past 4 bearthdays he's had while we've been together I can't recall what I did other than make a vegan chocolate cake one year....with strawberries and chocolate sauce on top. It was good, too. I'm sure there were other things, but my memory is just off like that sometimes.*
He's really into photography and takes pictures of various scenes. I thought it would be neat to create a collage of some of his pics, frame it, and give it.

Theme: Nature.
And you know the cool thing about it? One day he was over here looking through his massive collection of photos (which are stored on my computer) and was commenting on the ones he really liked. So he unknowingly helped me choose the ones that would be included in the collage. (Even though that last one is one of my absolute favorites and woulda been included regardless).
I'm pleased with how it turned out, and he seemed really moved by it. Oh and there was also a book he's been wanting and a Patrice Lumumba tee included in the gift box. It's cool when you know a person well enough to just...know 'em like that. :-)
what a sweet, thoughtful 'female companion' you are! :-p
seriously. that's a really nice gift.
thank you. :-D
i've always gravitated towards more meaningful, usually handmade gifts.
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