Saturday, July 21, 2007

Delightfulness for All Involved...

*Wheeeeew!!!!* So far my day has been active and fun. For the last two Saturdays, I've been teaching a fashion styling class (for teenagers) through the continuing education department at the local university. Today we had such a great time! Since it was the last day, I wanted to make it lively, so last night was spent thinking up activities for us to do. It had already been confirmed that we'd have a style show to conclude the course. But I had to come up with some other activities for the meantime since the class was 4 hours and the show would only last 30-45 minutes.

Well, I made up a shoe designing project where I provided the girls with a cut out of a high heeled show, markers, colored pencils, fabric scraps , and various other craft supplies and left it up to them to jazz up the shoe in whatever way they wanted. I have a picture of them holding their shoes but won't post it here for their own privacy. I realized later that I shoulda taken a picture of the shoes, lying on the table. They were really neat. But! I do have a picture of the shoe I created so you can get an idea of what it was all about.

Aside from the orange, the whole thing was done with fabric glued to the cut-out. The piece in the middle is gold lamé. I like my lil shoe. :-)

We also played charades...but with words. (is that still charades??). The game was a knock off of one I played when in Atlanta. I can't think of the name of it though. Anyway, all the words involved were fashion related. It was really fun, and I was pleased to see how much the girls enjoyed themselves. I have some great photos from the style show that I'd love to share with y'all. I won't, though. ;-)

So in other news, I just marked down a whoooooole lotta clothes in my sewfly store. It would make me very happy if you went over and had a look. It would make me even happier if you bought something! Don't you want me to be happy?? I know ya do. ;-)

So. You're curious about what type of clothes I marked down?? Well, there are a few shirts over there similar to this one:

'Truth' Art Top: $12 in the shop.

Pretty cool, huh? Go have a look around. I'm off to continue my day of blissfulness.



Cathy said...

sounds like a fun day! maybe you can crop the phto of the girls holding their shoes, so their faces aren't showing?

Unknown said...

yep. we had a great time! unfortunately my camera needed charging, so the photo is so blurry that cropping it would make it even worse. i so regret not getting a better shot. :-/