Could be old, but I tend to be late on things.
That's pretty interesting.
Aside from that I really don't have much else to say. Earlier I had an idea for a blog post but didn't get around to taking the pics. What needs to be happening is that I need to be tryna get ready for a style show that's taking place reeeaaaaal soon.
Need models, (more) clothing to show, and most importantly, an idea.
*siiiiigh* Eventually it'll come together. I swear...sometimes this song by cree summer resonates so much with me on so many levels...."make yourself."
Anyway, since I like to include a picture in every post, here's one I took the other day:

Dontcha just love it?? (and yes...the cat is very much alive in this photo.)
Oh well. I'm off to listen to my song.
Lol, cats are funny, but to be honest I wish I could do that some days out of the week so I don't blame it at all.
Nice blog :-)
So cute!
One of my cats is black and white too. He's a trip and tends to sprawl off like that on my sketchpads, books or whatever else it is that i don't want him laying on...
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